A mix of current and savings accounts to cover your banking needs.
Accounts that complement each other, combining to suit the needs of each individual’s cash portfolio.
A range of benefits including instant access to funds, free day-to-day transactions and fee-free currency conversion – see account pages for individual details.
All personal accounts can have up to four joint account holders, apart from the Cash Hub Account which can have two.
Please contact your financial adviser or intermediary if you wish to apply for an account with Cater Allen. If you don't have a financial adviser or intermediary, please contact us on capbcet@caterallen.co.uk to discuss your options.
Please note, due to high application volumes, it is temporarily taking up to 21 days to open an account with us (including applications made online). If your application is missing important information or supporting documentation it will take longer. We'll continue to review this position and further details will be available on our website.