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Fraud and Security Centre

Get tips on how to prevent yourself from the latest scams.

Don't be a victim of fraud

While fraud and scams are not new, advances in technology gives criminals more ways to try and access your money. Knowing the techniques they use can help you protect yourself and your money.

Criminals use lots of different techniques to try and steal your money and personal information. If you're ever unsure, take some time to think and don't be rushed.

Here's our top 5 tips to help keep you safe.

Never transfer or withdraw money out of your account if you're told to do so for security reasons

Never share a Cater Allen One Time Passcode (OTP) with another person. Not even a member of Cater Allen staff.

Never download software or let anyone log on to your device remotely following or during a cold call.

Always confirm payment details in person or over the phone using a known number.

Never enter your Internet Banking details after clicking on a link in an email or text message.

If you think you've responded to a scam or been a victim of fraud, contact us straight away. You can also report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

If you do give out your personal and security details or information, you provide a fraudster with everything they need to take money from your Account and we may not be able to recover this for you. Taking care of your personal details and information is also included in the Terms and Conditions of your Account.

If you think you've been a victim of a fraud or a scam, or are concerned that you may have revealed personal or security details or information, please contact us immediately on 0800 092 3300.